Qualifications: Tools and UI

Introduction to Adobe Illustrator

10-hour course, learning to use the software from scratch and applying it all throughout the course with a variety of hands-on exercises. Using the main tools and effects of Adobe Illustrator, working with vectors, icons, symbols, texts, images and illustrations.

Check Certificate

Advanced UI Design

Theoretical and practical course covering all the main interface elements: Spacing, Grids, Web/Mobile Components, Buttons, Images, Icons, Colors, Shadows, Style Guide, Typography and its typographic variables. Elements for building good interfaces such as hierarchy, consistency, contrast and purpose, each design choice must have a rational motivation. For the projects, Figma and Adobe XD tools were used.

Check Certificate

Advanced Typography

Course covering the main elements of Typography and its importance in history. Typographic classifications: Serif, Sans-Serif, Script, Blackletter, Display and more. Typographic variables: anatomy, scale, line height, text width, size, weight, alignment, contrast elements and more. Typography in practice: hierarchy, grid, spacing, separators, punctuation, font combination, rendering and more. Typography and CSS: Text properties, Opentype features, external fonts, and more.

Check Certificate

Web Design Course

Theoretical and practical course, covering mainly HTML and CSS markup languages. The main elements of the interfaces and their representations in code were contextualized. Information architecture, wireframes, programming structure, grids, responsiveness, text elements, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) application, API's (Application Programming Interfaces) and basic Javascript and PHP syntax for DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation.

Check Certificate